Join The Mary Ward Centre for a 4-week Ignatian retreat in daily life: Inner Peace in Service of the Father. This retreat comprises 30 minutes of personal prayer 4-5 times per week, made according to the participant's schedule in daily life, as well as weekly meetings for spiritual conversation. No prior experience with Ignatian spirituality required. Participants will learn Ignatian prayer techniques like savouring prayer, breath prayer, and discernment, as we explore traditional prayers of the faith. Light refreshments will be served at each session. Please see the details below:
Date: Mondays, June 3 / 10 / 17 / 24
Time: 7pm - 8:30pm
Location: The Mary Ward Centre, 70 St. Mary Street, Toronto
Cost: $40 for all 4 weeks; cost of retreat manual is extra (approx. $27)